How long does a claim hurt my standing with my insurance company?

Short Answer: 3 Years

Long Answer: One of the many things to consider while dealing with a loss is whether to get your insurance company involved. Over the years, we have heard stories about how just by calling their insurance carrier’s customer support line in order to determine coverage, insurance agents on the other end would automatically begin a claim based on the topic of the call, without the policy holder’s authorization.

In situations regarding insurance, while it is helpful and important to understand what your policy does and does not cover BEFORE disaster strikes, we believe you shouldn’t be penalized for asking a question of your insurance provider so that YOU can decide whether to involve your carrier or not.

It may seem counterintuitive, however, there are many valid reasons why you might not want to open a claim. First, it is your right, as a policy holder, to choose whether you want to open a claim or not. No one else should be able to make this decision for you or force you to make this decision.

Second, whatever the issue is, it may not be worth making a claim on. This could be because it’s a very small issue, or, you’re unsure what the actual cost would be, so you might need to call your carrier and ask some general questions regarding your policy without fear of penalty.

Third, any claim you make through your insurance company can affect your standing with them for upwards of 3 years or longer. This could include rate hikes or even denial of coverage if enough claims are opened within a period determined by your carrier. For this and many other reasons, many people decide to choose when and if they involve their insurance company by filing a claim.

As a company that works FOR you, IRS can help advise you, whether you choose to file a claim or not. Either way, we have your best interests in mind for you and your home and can help you make a more informed decision that puts control of what happens to your home back into your hands.