What is an “acceptable” level of mold and how do we test for mold?

Short Answer: Some? But not all the time? It’s complicated.

Long Answer: Fungi and mold are present everywhere in the world. Simply testing for mold and finding small amount of common strains like Penicillium/Aspergillus is no reason to get alarmed. However, it’s the amount of mold spores in your environment that you might find that can be the problem.

How do we test for mold? Simply put, WE don’t. All mold testing is performed by a 3rd party air quality testing company which conducts both our pre-remediation and our post-remediation tests. This ensures that you are protected when you come to us with a concern about mold because we cannot just tell you that you have mold in order to secure a job for us. We wouldn’t do that, and neither should any reputable restoration company, but, it’s just another layer that ensures that you and your home are taken care of properly.

Mold only becomes an issue when it comes to numbers. In fact, most indoor air quality tests may show mold samples detected, but, until they climb past a certain level, they are considered innocuous. The only time where this is not the case involve toxic molds such as Stachybotrys and Memnoniella, but that’s a blog post for another time. Until we find readings getting past the 1,500 – 3,000 spore range, anything in this level can be attributed to normal mold levels due to a variety of reasons, depending on where you live. Only once we get into and past the 3,000 – 10,000 spore range do we start to recommend mold remediation.
Let IRS, Las Vegas’ experts in mold damage and remediation, help you if you suspect you have a problem with mold.